Come this Wed. 8/21/19 at 4:30 p.m. to attend the joint study session of Larimer County leaders on the proposed wireless regulations.
Watch this link tomorrow, Study Session_ Wireless Regulations . We need to read them before the study session and comment to commissioners.
If the documents do not convey all our concerns as we have stated for months now, start commenting or calling the county and planning commissioners right away. Make informed comments focused on:
- Enforcing our right to use Land Use Codes for the preservation of property values, the protection of our health and environment
- Public disclosure of the Master License Agreement, where all details are contained for the wireless industry requirements. Ask for no license longer than ten years, retro enforcement when RF standards change or state law changes or FCC rules are overturned as they have been in the case noted below.
- RF monitoring and consequences for lack of compliance with RF emissions standards
- Signage! Very important. Concealed antennas must have signage for EHS persons, persons with medical devices, vulnerable populations.
- No RF beamforming potential into bedrooms of second story windows where we sleep
- American Disability Accommodation for persons with EHS
- Maintain some antenna free zones in public spaces like parks
- Collection of cost recovery at the amount the wireless applicant costs the taxpayers to apply, install and monitor. No limiting fees, cost recovery is allowed.
Be respectful and informative. Provide education they don’t have and speak to consequences for not considering a portion of the regulation needed that is omitted in the documents or study of subject matter for consideration in the documents.
Contact members of the Commission : He wanted an expanded study session but was outnumbered.
(970) 498-7002
(970) 498-7003
You can email all Planning Commissioners at once with this County Planning Commissioners Email