Good News + Thursday’s 5G Action Online Event

Dear friends,

Job well done!

We’ll never know the real story behind the recent effort by the telecom industry to sneak the 5G STREAMLINE Act into the $2 trillion-dollar stimulus package, but we do know this: their efforts failed!

We’d like to think it was your calls to members of Congress that made the difference, and maybe it was, but we also must acknowledge the other organizations and individuals who did their part to ensure this draconian language was not inserted into the legislation. For the moment, we can all breathe easier.

But the fight isn’t over.

Already, wireless industry lobbyists are getting ready to wrangle their 5G-friendly legislation into the next emergency funding bill, and we need to be ready to take action when the time comes.

Today we are announcing our response to President Trump’s National Strategy to Secure 5G. We’re pushing back hard against additional use of taxpayer dollars to fund wireless deployment, and instead, we’re focused on strengthening and expanding our wired infrastructure to allow fiber-to-and-through-the-premises.

That’s why, this Take Action Tuesday, we’re asking you to help us get ready for the approaching battle by forming and growing local 5G awareness groups all across this country. Please join us for an online mobilization training program this Thursday, April 2nd, at 8pm EST (5pm PST)!

We need to be strong and united in our efforts to keep the STREAMLINE Act and other pro-wireless language out of the next series of federal emergency bills, and to focus the attention of federal legislators on the wisdom of investing in our safe, secure and proven wired infrastructure instead.

We salute our friends at SafeG for helping to promote this important concept, and recommend that you read the online publication “Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks,” written by Dr. Timothy Schoechle and published by our friends at the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy.

Thanks for all you do, stay safe, and we hope to see you this Thursday, April 2nd, for the online event. Stay tuned for details on how to join!

-The 5G Crisis Team

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