by agwu | Mar 2, 2021 | PETITIONS
Please Sign Open Letter to Elon Musk. "We believe in something better. For us. For our children. For insects and for all of life. Tens of thousands of SpaceX satellites are being planned for and deployed to radiate down upon every inch of the planet. "We believe in...
by agwu | Apr 30, 2020 | PETITIONS
Sign petition There has been a rapid deployment of 5G throughout our country in 2020. The warnings and hazards for human health and environmental consequences of this technology have been largely ignored by the Federal Government. The health of the people and...
by agwu | Apr 22, 2020 | PETITIONS
Sign to Join CHD’s Submission to Stop FCC Rule Allowing 5G & Satellites Antennas on Homes The FCC is about to expand its ‘Over The Air Reception Devices’ (OTARD) rule (WT 19-71), to allow wireless companies to install 5G and other cell towers and transmitting devices...
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